On the Use of Violence

by Max Severin

Ataraxist ethics oppose any use of violence that is not legitimately defensive in nature, however, we also take on the commitment to defend ourselves and others from threats. We believe violence should only be used as a last resort—that is, when all peaceful measures have failed or when it is not possible to use such measures due to the immediate and serious danger of the threat.

We hold that every attempt should be made to resolve conflicts through peaceable means—if it is at all possible to do so. If defensive violence proves to be necessary, we hold that the least amount of force possible should be utilized to subdue the threat. Unfortunately, in regards to highly lethal threats it is often the case that an equal amount of force is needed to provide adequate defense.

On Our Responses to Antisocial Behavior

We are adamantly opposed to retributive violence, and to the very idea that certain individuals deserve to be harmed. We do not subscribe to the concept of metaphysical evil—rather we hold that all anti-social behavior stems from potentially remediable causes: ignorance, misunderstanding, or social dysfunction / pathology (see principle number 4, the principle of unconditional universal compassion, in the Ataraxist Core Principledocument).

Individuals that pose a serious threat to the lives and wellbeing of others should not be harmed, but rather they should be humanely removed from general society so they may do no more harm, and so that they may be rehabilitated in hopes of greater prosociality and reintroduction to general society (if they no longer pose a serious threat). Rehabilitation facilities should be safe and humane, and they should not use positive punishment or any type of punishment that results in intense suffering.

On War

Ataraxism opposes any war that is not legitimately defensive in nature. In the case of just war (war that is legitimately defensive in nature), all efforts must be made to prevent harm to non-combatants, or to minimize it when this is absolutely impossible.

In philosophical terms, Ataraxism would be considered a form of conditional pacifism. In other words, we oppose the use of violence in most cases, but not all cases (i.e., defense of self and others against a serious and immediate threat). This view should be contrasted with absolutist pacifism.